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New for 2020 - Fit Kids Fencing!

Come and pretend you’re a Jedi!  Enjoy playing with swords!


Fit Kids Fencing for age 4 - 6

Every Saturday from 9:30am - 10:15am

Beginning January 4 - start anytime!


This class will focus on games and age appropriate exercises to develop motor and foundational skills relevant to the Olympic sport of fencing.  This class will engage young minds while emphasizing physical literacy including agility, balance, and hand-eye coordination.  The coaches will challenge your young athlete while ensuring they have fun at every session.


This class will help develop focus and listening skills while kids learn how to take direction in a group situation.  Our coaches understand the needs of young children and this class is fun!


Build a solid foundation for future fencing skills


Cost: $100 per month plus annual $35 membership fee

Includes a Renaissance Fencing Club t-shirt


Wear sweatpants, t-shirt, and sneakers please


To register email or text 248-515-0973, or use the online registration link below.



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